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Annunciation Church -Stained glass windows

Parish Priest, Fr Louis Michael Travers, commissioned Stephen Moor (1915-2003) to design the high stained glass windows in the 3rd Annunciation church, which opened in December 1962.

The main window on the northern end of the church is a depiction of the Annunciation scene, with the Archangel Gabriel delivering God’s message through the Holy Spirit to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Around the edges of this window are smaller scenes illustrating the Passion of Christ.  These include: The carrying of the cross, Pontius Pilate washing his hands, the scourging at the pillar, the agony in the garden, the crowning with thorns, Peter and the crowing cock, Judas receiving his bag of silver, Mary Magdalene with anointing oils, and the crucifixion.

The narrow western window shows the Nativity scene that includes worshiping angels, shepherds and wise men.

The narrow eastern window depicts the Assumption of Mary into heaven.  It portrays Mary rising above her empty tomb, escorted by angels, with Jesus ready to Crown the Blessed Virgin Mary, together with his Father and the Holy Spirit.

The narrow western window shows the Nativity scene that includes worshiping angels, shepherds and the Magi from the east.

Images provided by Maureen M Leadbeater

The Scourging at the Pillar   I The Agony in the garden I The crowning with thorns